Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's A New Dawn, It's a New Day

Yes, Virginia, there IS still a blog here.

There are many ups and downs in life; same thing with the running, racing, and training. I had a few excellent races following the last entry here a few months ago but kind of kept the full story with each race to myself. Each was a uniquely personal experience, and I suppose that after breaking down boundaries and working myself harder than ever with good payoffs, I didn't have much left to blog. They were just extremely gratifying after my Imogene experience, and I'm starting to see that not as a terrible fail but a chance to look at what I needed to change, and what I could do to improve things.

Now that we're in a new year, and I know it's time to return to blogging again. I have some big things on the horizon-races that some might say I shouldn't or couldn't do, or that if I do, should not have the big lofty goals attached that swim in the back of my head. It's okay-I don't listen to those naysayers anyway. There are a lot of question marks in my life these days but I intend to put an exclamation point on everything I do in 2011, for better or for worse.


L.A. Runner said...

Here's to a strong year of racing for you!

sllygrl said...

I have been stalking your blog for MONTHS now - waiting to read some race reports, but I understand the desire to keep things to yourself. I'm in week five of marathon training right now - doing whatever possible to avoid injury - and E and I got into Canyonlands Half Marathon and I wanted to pick your brain on the course, strategy blah blah. All with the understanding that I have to get there uninjured first. Can I PM you somehow? I'd love to say hello to you as well if we do get there! Happy running!

TiredMamaRunning said...

Absolutely, sllygrl! I am still Kazz II on RWOL, and mountainmamato4 (at) gmail (dot) com is my email if you'd like to get in touch. Sweet on getting in to Canyonlands! We'll have to meet up in Moab.

Elizabeth said...

Nice to see you blogging again. I was wondering what you were up to!

Oz Runner said...

welcome back...i took a break too...

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can't wait to see you tear up the course at Canyonlands!