Not much talky talky from me in this one. Just some photos that help explain the flavor of the Bolder Boulder. I'm up to my ears this week in stage makeup, making up three kids and dressing four for an annual dance studio ballet, and year-end show on back to back night, along with all associated rehearsals. Good thing it's National Running Day...I have an excuse to go run after tonight's rehearsal!
I'll start with a little "fun" from my drive over the hill in the pouring rain. I love that I passed a sign, as torrential rain slammed against the car, that said "heavy rain in spots." Oh Really? (And, I was going about 8 mph when I took this danger of sliding off a cliff when it was taken)
Costumes. Always a fun part of the Bolder Boulder. My friend's condo was just a few blocks from the 7 KM mark on the course, so I headed over to watch the end of the race after I'd finished my own race, showered and had some time to kill before my friend finished and showered.
The "This Seemed Like a Great Idea At Time" Award for Teenaged Embarrassment:
"Hey Man! Is that freedom rock? Well turn it up!"
A couple of Lady Liberties
Here's the "WTF" Award.....
The Intergalactic Species Tolerance Awareness Day (and I am sure this really exists, somewhere in Boulder) Award goes to this guy:
Here Come the Leap Frog Girls (as featured on the complimentary Bolder Boulder calendar which is included in the registration fee)
These times are tough...even for the Easter Bunny.
Upon further reflection....I think the professional runners probably should not be in the same post with these guys. So....I guess we'll make this a trilogy in the next day or two with some shots of people who are really, really fast, and a really neat piece of street art that kind of sums up the Bolder Boulder.
Alright, missy, which one were you? I'm assuming you had a fabulous costume somewhere?
Ah, um, yeah. I guess I either went as a traffic cone, or a Hooters waitress?
There's some guy who runs from the A wave (first citizen wave) every year in a gorilla suit. I'll never be able to compete with that...
ha...great the polar bear in the wheelchair...did they actually leapfrog the whole way? and my easter bunny does not wear pink underwear, i think that must be an imposter...
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